Growing your business means constantly reaching new customers in new ways. And as consumers continue their shift to online shopping and payment, you need to keep pace. An eCommerce Payment Gateway provides a simple way for you to accept payments online, even when your brick-and-mortar doors are closed.
The Luminosity Group (TLC) offers a variety of eCommerce solutions to help you meet the expectations of today’s consumers. From hosted checkout pages that integrate with shopping carts and allow customers to pay for merchandise online, to relatively simple portals that allow clients to pay for services rendered, one of our knowledgeable merchant consultants is ready to assist you.
Multiple Payment Types

From credit/debit cards to PayPal® to electronic checks customers are free to pay as they please, when they please.

Card Not Present Payments

Enable web-based transactions and also process mail and phone orders. You can even use a gateway at POS for occasional card present transactions.

Shopping Cart Integration

Integrate with 70+ shopping cart providers via hosted payment pages or application programming interfaces (API).

Evolve with your Customers

From desktop computers to tablets to mobile devices, buying habits are always changing. Our eCommerce Payment Gateways can help you meet changing expectations.

Fraud Protection

We know fraud protection is important to online merchants, which is why our eCommerce solutions offer tools to help guard you against cyber criminals.

Rapid Integration

Great for small businesses that need to go to market quickly with little IT involvement. Seamlessly integrate payment functionality into your existing website.

Reporting and Insights

Real-time access to transactional data will help you work even smarter.


eCommerce solutions can be tailored to meet your specific needs or challenges.